Dating is an enduring phase of romantic intercourse practised in Western cultures throughout the decades, with the objective of each evaluating the other’s compatibility as a potential partner in a romantic relationship in the future. While this may sound rather straightforward, most of us have at least one issue to sort out prior to embarking on the dating process, and more often than not we end up running into serious difficulties. Dating can be both extremely easy and extraordinarily difficult for most people. The onus is on you to sort out issues like what to date and who to date, and how to sort out your feelings of disappointment and despair after a recent breakup. It may also be the case that you date someone solely to spite your ex-lover or to get back at his friends.
When it comes to dating it is important to understand that exclusivity is a very popular strategy for getting a new date. Many of us feel uncomfortable if there is only one person at the table for dinner, and we therefore try to find someone who will not be a competition for us.
However, this is exactly what we should be aiming for in dating; as exclusivity can never make a better dating prospect. Always remember that you should be dating someone in order to mutually benefit from the relationship, and that exclusivity does not improve the odds in any relationship. Therefore, if you are seriously considering entering into the dating game, take note of these tips to ensure that you have the best chance at success.
- The first stage of dating is preparation, and this is perhaps the most difficult stage to achieve for many couples due to the increased amount of time available to them. In this stage it becomes extremely important to ensure that you spend a fair amount of time together before even considering beginning a relationship. This means setting a date, having dates, and perhaps even spending time apart for a day. This is because while you are spending time together it allows you to build a strong foundation for the relationship, as well as strengthening your bond with each other. This stage also requires that couples look at what they have available to them and determine whether or not any of it is important.
- The second stage is intimacy. It is extremely important that in the early stages of dating you focus on building intimacy with one another. Although all love is intimacy based, some couples focus much more on this than others, and the reason for this can be different. Generally speaking, if two people are truly in love then there is no need for intimacy. However, if two people are in love but are not sharing physical intimacy with one another, this can cause problems within a relationship. Therefore, by focusing on this aspect of the process you are lessening the possibility of problems within the relationship if this were to happen.
- The third stage, which is called dating for a second time, is generally when most people begin thinking of starting a dating relationship once again. For some this is the second stage of their life with someone they met online. For others it may be a third or fourth stage. Regardless, of the stage it is important to note that you will have to work through some problems as you re-enter the dating world once again. In fact, you could even reach a point in this stage where you are ready to consider marriage as an option once again.
At this stage you are not only looking to rekindle your romance with someone you fell in love with in the beginning of your relationship, but you are also looking to have a few dates under your belt before considering a long term commitment. Therefore, you should ensure that you have found a new partner who shares your interests and hobbies. In addition, before beginning the dating stage you should also ensure that you have your finances in order. Finally, you should make sure that you have attended to any financial issues beforehand.