The Importance of Female Friendship

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Friendship is a relation of mutual sympathy between humans. It’s a stronger form of personal bond that’s been studied more extensively in interpersonal studies including communication, psychology, sociology, and anthropology. A lot of research has also been done on the physiological aspects of friendship, with the results showing that our brains respond to feeling good emotions. It’s a fact that we all connect with others emotionally. The question is how do you maintain that friendship?

Friendship development; goes hand in hand with our early childhood development. If you have siblings, you’re more likely to develop close relationships as kids because you can turn to them for emotional support. However, friendships tend to wither after childhood because most of us grow up and out of those early attachments. The kind of friends we have now may be our siblings’ children, but we have no real family traditions or norms that guide our behavior towards other people and how far we’ll go in friendship.

If we want to nurture a lasting friendship; it’s important to find a good friend to hang out with, especially if both of us have different social circles. But how do we figure out if a friendship is worth hanging out with? Is it worth spending time with someone whose good intentions are genuinely sincere? What makes a true friend out of someone who only has your best interest at heart? Friendship is also a unique relationship between two people who share their thoughts, experiences, dreams, values, hopes and fears and can honestly listen to each other’s.

So how do we cultivate friendships?

First of all, you need to spend time with those whom you feel comfortable with. True friends will be willing to listen to you, share your worries and your fears, and help you through any problems you may be experiencing. True friends will understand your needs and worries, and be there to support you. Good friends make it through life together, and they’re always open to friendship.

In contrast; unhealthy female friendships frequently develop because the parties involved are not good friends. When parties start to become less fun and less interesting, that means the party has lost its true meaning. It doesn’t matter whether you and your friend have never met before or you’ve been hanging out for years. The true friendships that last are those where you have genuine, honest, heartfelt conversations about things that you know in your heart to be true, like your beliefs about sex, your political views, your spiritual beliefs, your family life, or your favorite hobbies.

Another key aspect to friendship; is that it’s important to note that it requires time and effort to keep it. Good friendships last because they’re the product of consistent effort and care on both parts. One important aspect of making a friendship work is to make sure that you two are not constantly thinking about each other. To do this, you’ll need to make time to hang out with your best friend. Make sure that you don’t take her for granted because you know she’ll appreciate your time. If you’re dating someone and she loves you deeply, remember that you’re a person with whom she has to share her life.
