Which Of The Following Statements Most Accurately Describes The Mentoring Relationship?

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Mentoring is a positive relationship between a mentor and a protégé. The mentor provides guidance, assistance, and support to the protégé in order to achieve the goals that the protégé sets for himself/herself.

The mentor and the protégé usually have a relationship based on mutual trust.

Mentors and protégés usually work together to accomplish a goal.

The protégé will work independently and will be responsible for setting goals for him/herself.

Mentoring relationships are usually short term in nature.

Which of the Following Statements Most Accurately Describes the Mentoring Relationship?

If you are not sure which of the statements is most accurate, then you can check the definition of mentoring below.


Mentoring is a process by which an older, more experienced person guides a younger, less experienced person towards his/her desired goals.

Mentoring is a positive relationship where a person who has attained a higher level of knowledge and experience acts as a guide and guide the younger person towards his/her desired goals.

Mentoring is a relationship where a person guides another person to attain his/her desired goals.

Mentoring is a process by which a mentor guides a protégé to attain a goal.

Mentoring is a relationship between a mentor and a protégé where a mentor guides a protégé to achieve his/her goals.


So, these were the definitions of mentoring that you can refer to. So, what are you waiting for? Just go through the definition and choose the best answer. I know it is not an easy task but you will definitely get the correct answer in no time.
