Why Do People Cheat?

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Affair is an adjective, phrase, or idiom that describes a sexual affair between two people in which at least one of them has such a relationship with another person, either informally or in a more formal setting such as marriage or tellingly. In popular usage, the term “affair” refers only to sexual affairs. However, “affair” can also refer loosely to any situation in which two partners develop a romantic relationship.

There are many possible explanations; for an affair between married partners. For example, one explanation, and the most common in contemporary Western society, is that partners come together at some point in their lives and later decide to end that particular relationship. Alternatively, there may be an underlying sexual attraction that develops over time and then leads to an active relationship. A third explanation is that one partner develops an interest in another person outside the marriage. (The most famous example of this is Hollywood actor Danny Glover’s relationship with singer Diana Ross.)

In today’s culture; it is rare for two people who have married and then later decided to end their marriage to end their affair with each other. The reasons that lead to this type of relationship are varied. For some, they may feel that one another has grown distanced from them. For other spouses, affairs with one another to help them see what life was like when they were single. And for some, the reasons that come up at the start of their relationships with another person–if any–are purely psychological, such as wanting to take part in a different activity.

  • Although AFFAIRS are much more common in the realm of romantic relationships, they are not exclusive to them. In fact, infidelity occurs frequently in the real world as well.
  • There are many different types of extramarital affairs.
  • Some of these involve having an extramarital affair with one another’s spouse or significant other in real life, while others involve affairs in which one another has an extramarital affair outside of their relationship.
  • In all cases, however, infidelity usually involves the dishonesty or breach of trust between two people who are deeply committed to one another.

The most common explanation; as to why people cheat involves the betrayal of trust. When a couple is deeply in love with one another and begin having an affair, there is often an amount of trust that is relied upon between the couples. However, a relationship can soon turn sour when this trust is betrayed. Many times, the partners who have cheated on their partner feel that it is better to have an affair if they feel that their current partner cannot possibly understand them.

A betrayed partner; will usually feel very alone and that the act of cheating has been done without regard for them. The betrayal can make even the most loyal partner question their own sexuality and their ability to be true to their partner. In these cases, even infidelity may not be an option. In many cases, the partner who has been betrayed feels as if no matter what they do, they will always be betrayed by the other party.
