How to Break Up With Someone You Live With – What to Do Before You Get Your Ex Back

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If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of wanting to learn how to break up with someone you live with, you may breathe a sigh of relief now, knowing that there are ways to help you make sure everything goes according to plan, plus the following step by step method experts suggest following for a smooth and satisfying separation. It takes a little practice, but once you learn how to be the person your ex would want you to be, you will feel better about yourself and so will your ex. Learning how to break up with someone you live with begins with being able to recognize when the urge to make a move on your ex comes. Once you become aware when this urge comes, you will be ready to act on it. In case you cannot resist the temptation when it hits, here is what you should do:
Although you will find the experts who will tell you: how to break up with someone you live with, the best course of action is to consult with a lawyer first before taking any drastic moves. A divorce lawyer will be able to give you sound legal advice that will help guide you through the process. If you follow the advice he gives you and are able to prove to your ex that you have been taking care of yourself and have moved on, there is a good chance your ex might consider reconsidering the relationship.
If you do feel that you are ready to get back together with your ex: then there is one very important thing you have to do before you do so. You have to stop thinking about the relationship, at least in the short term. While you will definitely miss the time you spent together and the feelings you had, it is essential to do something to remind yourself that life is too short to dwell on problems that can be easily remedied. As unpleasant as it may seem, the truth is that an abusive relationship is not easily repairable, at least not without extensive and painful soul-searching.
Once you decide that you no longer want to be in an abusive relationship: then you have to make sure you do not look back. This can be done by never looking at the other person in the eye when talking to them. As strange as it sounds, the human urge to analyze everything including our partners has a psychological effect on us and can actually prevent us from recognizing certain behavior patterns that could signal the start of a breakup. This is because we are often using our subconscious to try and figure out why we and our partner are unhappy and looking at the other person can instill doubt into our mind regarding the relationship.
The truth is that anyone who does not think deeply: about their relationships is doomed to stay stuck in them. A broken heart is like a festering sore and needs attention in order to heal properly. If you want to know how to break up with someone you live with, then you have to stop brooding over the relationship and start planning on how to get your ex back. The last thing you need is to allow the pain to just keep consuming you.
Instead, take a step back and try and evaluate your own life: The more time you spend living with your partner, the more your emotional energy is tied up in the relationship, which will make the breakup even harder. So, if you are looking for answers on how to break up with someone you live with, then you have to stop brooding about the breakup and focus on living your life.

If you do this, you will find that life will calm down a bit and that you will be able to move forward without the worry that your relationship will go through another rough patch.
